Thursday, March 12, 2015

RURC take on Oxford

This weekend saw the second race of the year for Roehampton University Rowing Club at an indoor event in Oxford on Sunday. Men's captain Ben Thompson took on the challenge of driving twelve excited rowers to the race in a minibus, and despite some tricky manoeuvres and questionable parking techniques we got there safe and sound with time to spare. The race was a friendly, three kilometre indoor event using rowing machines. Four rowers per team break up the distance into 250m relays, taking care to make the change-overs snappy to get the time as low as possible.

Fuelled on service station snacks, the girls; Abi, Isabel, Helene and myself, smashed our category, coming in a whopping twenty seconds faster than second place. The novice men; Aniket, Alfie, Andrew and Pawel, also won gold, while the senior men Ben, Josh, Nick and Scott took home a more than respectable silver medal.

After doing so well in the Quintin Head race last weekend the rowers were over the moon with another promising achievement, but the winning doesn't end there. After a jolly drive back to Roehampton with spirits high, we went on to come third in the Sunday night pub quiz - there's just no stopping the rowing team this year! Although we may not have actually “taken on Oxford” so to speak (we're not quite at their level yet...) as Varsity fast approaches it's safe to say we are looking forward to some University rivalry and winning some more races.

Natalia Jackson

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